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Stories of women who have escaped the algorithm of history and fame but who deserve to be told. Antonio Losito takes us on an ideal dialogue, with the irreverent tone that distinguishes him, between six women from the past, who have contributed to building our present, and six women from the present who are building our future.

PISA 1940
has chosen to give voice to these women, united by the desire to overcome the canons and social conventions of their time with intelligence, passion and determination.



The first woman to run for president of the country, a broker and founder of the first women's stockbroker firm. And Victoria Woodhutl. A difficult and extraordinary life that led her to fight for women. A supporter of free love, by which she meant the freedom to marry and divorce, she fought for women's suffrage.

Mariafelicia de Laurentis , guest of the episode, also anticipated the future. Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, she contributed to "taking" the "photo of the millennium": the first real image of a black hole.


History remembers her mostly as "Justinian's wife". Justinian was the Eastern Roman Emperor who ordered the collection of laws known as Corpus luris Civilis. For centuries, it was the basis of European common law. But behind the corpus, there were the innovative ideas of the empress.

This is also how the first laws to protect women were born. Guest of the episode Tiziana Catarci , an electronic engineer who works to improve contemporary ethics through the study
of Artificial Intelligence.


The women of Angola still marry under her statue. She is the African queen Nzinga, who in 1500 was a very skilled strategist, like our Machiavelli. She commanded alone, without a wife or children and succeeded in an impossible feat: to stop the excessive power of colonialism.

The guest of the episode is Tea Gueci from Palermo who weaves her strategies in another field: she is a very young champion
yes chess!


Kings, princes, emperors, philosophers from all over Europe flocked to see them at work. We are in Venice, in 1703. Antonio Vivaldi enters an orphanage and works for "Le figlie del coro", a musical group composed only of foundlings.

They played behind a grate, covered by a veil, because their bodies were scarred by the diseases of the time. Morgana Chittari , guest of the episode, is also invisible by profession. A ghost writer, she is a professional author who increases or creates the fame of famous people by writing their biographies.



An episode that takes us through submerged stories. It is a glorious, but hidden, story of the first great woman in history of whom we have news. Empress for almost 20 years, her successors have erased her history.

Teresa Saitta , guest of the episode, is an underwater archaeologist and with her work she brings to light stories that have remained hidden for centuries, just like the story of the Pharaoh Hatshepsut.



An episode that takes us among women of "ice". In the Soviet cold, hidden on the roofs, alone with her rifle, Ljudmila is a sniper. She joins the army to defend her country, Ukraine, from the Nazi invasion in World War II.

The guest of the episode is Sofia Fatigoni on her third scientific mission to Antarctica. To carry out her research she lived in isolation at minus forty degrees. Among her discoveries, the most detailed image ever of the Andromeda galaxy.

Radio-TV author since 2001, writer, podcaster. Graduated in Philosophy, he has worked on more than 300 prime time and late night shows for Rai , Mediaset , Sky and Amazon Prime including Una Pezza di Lundini , Gialappa's , LOL Talent , Rai and Mediaset sitcoms . He is the author and creator of the podcasts Tyranny and Babbo Bastardo : both second best Italian podcast in the Comedy category (Italian Podcast Awards ).

He published the satirical book Diventa un Tiranno for Rizzoli . He taught creative writing for TV and podcasts for Scuola Holden , Feltrinelli Education , IED .